Foreman , Driver , Office Assistant , Electrician , Acco

Job Id :100026947


Receptionist , Operation Manager, Marketing Manager, ,Office Clerk, Secretary, Accountant, Administrative Manager, Supervisor, Bookkeeper , Office Assistant ,Personal assistant , Factory workers , Cashier, Driver , Nurses, Cook, Gas station attendant, Housekeeper, Kitchen helper , Chef, Nanny , Gardener, Maids , Babysitter, Security Officer, Construction Workers, Maintenance Engineer, HVAC Technician, Mechanic Engineer ,Carpenter , Forklift operator , Electrician, Plumber , Heavy equipment operator, Light driver, Painter, Cleaners , Welders , Bricklayers , Storekeeper & Teachers jobs available here in the USA .We Offer $6,800 Monthly with a $250 weekly allowance including FREE accommodation and feedings . If you are interested kindly send your cv/resume to OR Whatsapp

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Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Dubai Jobs

Posted By: jklwwe ksdoweiowe

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