Hotel Staff

Hotel Staff

Job Id :100026671


Hotel Staff are responsible for providing excellent service to guests and ensuring smooth operations within the hotel. Their duties vary depending on the department but generally include checking in and out guests, answering inquiries, assisting with reservations, managing guest services, and maintaining cleanliness in rooms and common areas. Hotel staff may work in roles such as receptionists, housekeepers, concierge, or food and beverage attendants. They are responsible for creating a welcoming environment, addressing customer complaints, and ensuring that guests have a pleasant stay. Strong communication, customer service skills, and a friendly demeanor are essential for success in this role.

Job Type: Full Time
Monthly Salary: 1 AED
Location sharjah
Asian nationality male & female
Benefit: Company Visa Plus accommodation & transport.
Submit your cv :+36

Basic Details

salary : 2500 AED

Experience : 0-1 Years

Location : Dubai, UAE

Qualification : High School

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Al Umeedi Restaurant

Posted By: Miss Hina Assistant

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