Marketing Executive

Marketing assistant

Job Id :100026669


A Marketing Executive is responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to promote products or services and drive business growth. Their duties include conducting market research, analyzing customer trends, planning advertising campaigns, and managing digital and traditional marketing efforts. Marketing Executives collaborate with other departments to create promotional materials, manage social media, and track campaign performance. They also help organize events, trade shows, or product launches. Strong communication, creativity, analytical skills, and a solid understanding of marketing tools and techniques are essential for success in this role.

Job Type: Full Time
Monthly Salary: 2 AED
Location sharjah
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Basic Details

salary : 2500 AED

Experience : 0-1 Years

Location : Dubai, UAE

Qualification : High School

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Al Mawarid LLC

Posted By: Miss Hina Assistant

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