Data Entry Clerk

Data analyst

Job Id :100026066


The specific job duties and responsibilities of a Data Entry Clerk will depend on the industry in which they work. Data Entry Clerks will often have the following responsibilities:

*Create spreadsheets to track important customer information and orders.
*Transfer data from a hard copy to a digital database.
*Update customer information in a database.
*Organize existing data in a spreadsheet.
*Verify outdated data and make any necessary changes to records.
*Operate common office equipment, like scanners and printers.
*Search for and investigate information contained in files.
*Perform regular database backups to secure data.
*Input text-based and numerical information from source documents.
*Provide occasional administrative support.
*Sort and organize hard copies of paperwork after entering data electronically.
*Review data for deficiencies or errors.

Salary: 3000 to 3500,
Asian Nationality
Contact us:+84

Basic Details

salary : 3000-3500 AED

Experience : 1 Years

Location : Dubai, UAE

Qualification : High School

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Al Fasa Group

Posted By: Miss Sara H R

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